Where is Hi•Hekaté?
Hi•Hekaté is in Hungary, close to a village called Káptalantóti, however we are not in the village,but on the top of a hill close by.

How can I get there?
You can come by car, we are on google maps as well.
By bus you take off at Káptalantóti.
We are same distance form Budapest than from Vienna by train.
Pleas take off the train at Tapolca, which is the closest town to us.
(7 km away)

Who is Hekaté?
Hekaté is a goddess of great power.
In the sky she is the goddess of the Moon, on The Earth she is the protector of birth and youth, while in the Underworld she is the governor of mystical powers, who acts through the quality of the wise woman.
The three dimensions are not only aimed upwards and downwards, but she also represents the correlations and passages between past, present and future, in the linear flow of human life. She is the goddess of triple junctions, the supporter of defining life-decisions and cyclical changes.She helps with the letting go of the old and experiencing rebirth.

What does the HI mean in the name of the meditation center?
Hekaté’s connection to number three shows up again when we tell the story of why HI was added to our name, what these two letters encapsulate: for one, it stands for a contemporary greeting of the goddess, in part it is there, because we we would like Hekaté to receive the rightful honour and high esteem that she deserves in our lives, and in part because those who visit us experience all kinds of HI’s both in a physical and spiritual sense.

How many people can be at the retreat?
12 participants + the organisers, during summer it is 14+ the organisers

Can we cook there?
Yes. We have a beautiful and big kitchen.

Can kids come to the retreats or events?
We love children but a retreat and an event is all about you and so is for the fellow visitors. Therefore retreats is for adults only. Thank you for your kind understanding.

Can pets come to the retreats or events?
Unfortunately pets can not attend the retreats. We do love them, but past experiences showed that even most relaxed pets deter your and your fellows attention during your stay, therefore we cannot welcome them.

How and under what conditions can I cancel my registered program?
The method of cancellation is only possible in writing and by e-mail at the info@hihekate.com address. We will always confirm the cancellation.
By registering for our program, you also acknowledge the cancellation policy. There is a responsibility to apply. If for any reason you would not participate in the program, you can cancel taking into account the following: The deposit will not be refunded under any circumstances. Any additional participation fee will be refunded 100% 45 days prior to the start of the program. In case of cancellation within 44-31 days prior to the start of the program, 50% of the participation fee in addition to the deposit will be refunded. If you cancel within 30 days prior to the start of the program, you will not be refunded. In this case, the total amount paid will be considered as a donation. In this case, your payment will support the participation of two new applicants in 50%.For our events, registration is possible with full payment of the program fee, the cancellation conditions are the same as those described above.

How can I book the solitude hut?
Please contact us via email.

Can I stay alone in the meditation centre?
Yes, but there will be somebody from our stuff same time with you in the property.

What to do if I want to organise a retreat or an event?
Please contact us via email, and we get back to you with all the informations you need.